Terms of Service

Before you proceed to ILIAS you accept the following Terms of Service.

User Agreement 04/2020

User Agreement for the Learning Platform of IME Institute for Management Development of the GWP.

1 Scope of Application

(1) The present User Agreement applies to the use of the learning platform including all present contents and web pages. By using the platform, the user explicitly agrees to these terms of use without further explanation.

2 Availability

(1) The services are offered to the user with reservation of availability. IME aims to ensure that the services are available to the user without interruptions.

(2) Due to maintenance work and/or further developments and/or other disturbances, the usage possibilities can be limited and/or temporarily interrupted. Under certain circumstances this may also result in data loss. However, this does not give rise to any claims for compensation on the part of the affected users.

3 User Obligations

(1) Compliance with applicable legal provisions: Users undertake not to violate applicable legal provisions.

(2) In particular, they undertake to ensure that

         the content they distribute does not infringe the rights of third parties (such as copyrights, patent and trademark rights);

         the applicable criminal laws and youth protection regulations are observed;

         no racist, pornographic, obscene, offensive content or content unsuitable for minors is distributed.

(3) Obligation during dialogues: When using dialogue-oriented content on the website, users undertake to limit themselves to the professional exchange of opinions and to refrain from advertising statements, as well as to show consideration for the interests of other participants.

(4) IME reserves the right to delete contributions that do not comply with the rules of fair discussion and morality due to their choice of language or content, or that do not show sufficient consideration for the interests of other participants. The assessment of the Institute for Management Development of the GWP is decisive for the classification of the contributions. IME hereby expressly prohibits the posting of racist, pornographic, obscene, inhuman and immoral contributions.

(5) Access data and password: Users commit themselves to keep all access data assigned secret and not to pass them on.

(6) Each user is responsible for all activities that occur under their password. In the event of misuse or loss or a corresponding suspicion, this must be reported to IME immediately at the following e‑mail address: info@ime-seminare.de. Indications of misuse of the services and contents of IME Institute for Management Development of the GWP are also to be reported immediately at the above-mentioned e-mail address. IME is entitled to block access if the user is responsible for misuse of the access data, e.g. by passing it on to third parties or other users.

4 Liability and Contents

(1) Liability for links. IME assumes no responsibility for the content of linked websites. If a link is created by IME, IME hereby expressly declares that at the time the link was created, no illegal content was apparent on the linked pages. This declaration applies to all links on this website as well as those in guest books, discussion forums and similar services set up by IME, whose can be accessed and altered from the outside. On no account, IME is responsible for the content of websites that refer to IME. IME is also not able to detect or verify links to its websites.

(2) Liability for external content: In the case of content by outside companies as well as private individuals (especially in discussion forums and chats), the website merely provides the medium technically.

Such content made available to the user by third parties is information provided by the corresponding author or distributor and not by IME. IME is therefore not responsible for the accuracy, correctness or reliability of such content under any circumstances. In particular, IME is not liable for any loss or damage incurred by the user as a result of relying on such information.

(3) Furthermore, IME has no influence on how the content offered here is used by the user and can therefore not be held liable for any damages, lost benefits or other direct or indirect consequences arising from the use of the content offered here.

(4) Despite regular data backup measures, no guarantee can be given for entered data and work results of the users. Liability for data loss is therefore excluded.

(5) IME excludes any liability due to technical or other malfunctions.

5 Copyright

(1) All content published on the websites of IME, such as texts, images, graphics, sound, video and animation files as well as databases may be protected by copyright. A duplication and passing on of the contents is not permitted.

(2) The use of the contents is only permitted for private personal use. Any use beyond this requires the prior consent of IME; this applies in particular to the commercial and private reproduction, modification, distribution or storage of information or data, especially of texts, parts of texts and image material.

(3) In all other respects, the legal limits of copyright and/or other applicable legal regulations apply.

(4) Users undertake not to provide their login data to any third party or assume full responsibility for everything that is entered via this login.

6 Data Protection

The basis for data processing is Art. 6 par. 1 lit. b DSGVO, which permits the processing of data for the fulfillment of a contract or pre-contractual measures.

By registering, the user agrees that collected data may be stored for internal administration and processed anonymously for statistical purposes. A transfer of personal data to third parties does not take place unless it is the explicit wish of the user.

(1) Use of the learning platform: The use of the learning platform is only possible with a user account. The following personal data is stored by IME: first and last name of the user, e-mail address.

This information is necessary to identify you as a user in the system. In addition, you can enter further personal data voluntarily, e.g. to provide information about yourself in the Personal Profile. You can change and remove this voluntary information at any time on the "Personal Data and Profile" page. You can activate this page in the upper right corner via your avatar. In the Profile tab of this page you also specify whether your "Personal Profile" is displayed to other users and what information is shown.

(2) Access to personal data: Only the system administrators of the installation have unrestricted access to your personal data. In addition, personal data can still be viewed by the administrators of the courses and groups you are a member of - either because you joined them yourself or were registered by third parties. An overview of all courses and groups you are a member of can be found on your Personal Desktop on the "My Courses and Groups" page. There you can also terminate your course or group membership via the Actions menu if you no longer wish to be a member.

(3) Storage period of personal data: Personal data will be stored as long as the user account of the respective user exists. The data will be deleted as soon as the user account itself is deleted.

(4) Server log files: With each page view, the web server collects and stores information in the server log files. Your browser automatically transmits these to our server. These are: browser type and browser version, operating system used, referrer URL, host name of the accessing computer, time of server request, IP address.

(5) Cookies: The learning platform uses both temporary cookies, which become invalid after the end of the session or when the browser is closed, and cookies that are saved for a longer period of time. You can use your browser settings to see which cookies have been set and delete them if necessary. However, for technical reasons it is not possible to use the learning platform without cookies.

7 Other Provisions

(1) German law is exclusively applicable.

(2) Should individual provisions of the Terms of Use be invalid or lose their validity due to a circumstance that occurs at a later date, the validity of the rest of the contract shall remain unaffected.